Diamond Jubilee: Thousands of beacons are lit around UK - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-18297618
Unemployed bussed in to steward river pageant - The Guardian :: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/jun/04/jubilee-pageant-unemployed?newsfeed%3Dtrue
Great-Grandmother Joan Lloyd On Her Boob Job - And Her Toyboy (PICTURES) - Huffington Post UK :: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/06/01/joan-lloyd-great-grandmother-dead-husband-phil-absolom-david-lloyd-wales_n_1562235.html
Martin Lewis: from Simply Money to loads of money - Yahoo! Lifestyle UK :: http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/martin-lewis-simply-money-loads-111015728.html
SAS save four hostages and gun down five Taliban in heli raid - The Sun :: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/4352984/SAS-save-4-hostages-and-gun-down-5-Taliban-in-heli-raid.html
Boy, 13, Told To Leave Class For Wearing 'Sectarian' Union Jack T-Shirt - Huffington Post UK :: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/06/03/boy-13-told-to-leave-class-union-jack-tshirt_n_1565781.html
Firm in row over unpaid stewards for Jubilee to have Olympic fire safety role - The Independent :: http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/firm-in-row-over-unpaid-stewards-for-jubilee-to-have-olympic-fire-safety-role-7821230.html
Water meter call by civil engineers to tackle shortages - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-18342309
FOREX-Euro firm on policy hopes, Aussie jumps on jobs data - Reuters UK :: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/06/07/markets-forex-idUKL3E8H718K20120607
Cameron And Merkel Meet Over Eurozone Crisis - Sky News :: http://news.sky.com/home/business/article/16242750
Regiments Face Axe As 20000 Soldiers Cut - Sky News :: http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16242754
Scottish independence: England must have its say - Ed Miliband - Scotsman :: http://www.scotsman.com/news/uk/scottish-independence-england-must-have-its-say-ed-miliband-1-2341769
New Syria 'Massacre' Claims From Hama - Sky News :: http://news.sky.com/home/world-news/article/16242774
Queen visits Prince Philip in hospital - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/18350083
Legionnaires' outbreak: Family and friends in shock after Bert, 56, becomes ... - Scottish Daily Record :: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/health-news/2012/06/07/legionnaires-outbreak-family-and-friends-in-shock-after-bert-56-becomes-first-victim-of-bug-86908-23888586/
Sex attacker invited onto Royal Barge with Queen - Herald Sun :: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/ipad/sex-attacker-invited-onto-royal-barge-with-queen/story-fnbzs1v0-1226387737047
Queen's diamond jubilee state procession and thanksgiving - The Guardian (blog) :: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/blog/2012/jun/05/queens-diamond-jubilee-state-procession-live
Napoleon's halting English on show in auction letter - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18335017
Boring in Oregon votes to pair with Dull in Perthshire - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-18336146
Corzine's first sin was to bet on MF Global - Financial Times :: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/836e1256-afc7-11e1-a025-00144feabdc0.html
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