tisdag 1 januari 2013

02-Jan-2013 00:12

British tourist Stephen Ashton shot dead in Thai gang shoot-out - The Times (subscription) :: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article3645219.ece

US economy dragged back to fiscal cliff - Financial Times :: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1eed5ea2-5442-11e2-9d25-00144feab49a.html

Bombs target police in Northern Ireland - Scotsman :: http://www.scotsman.com/news/bombs-target-police-in-northern-ireland-1-2714321

Ivory Coast mourns after new year stampede in Abidjan - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-20885814

Row over error that led to terror suspect vanishing - The Times (subscription) :: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/politics/article3645541.ece

CMJ simply adored cricket with a passion... and it showed - The Independent :: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/cmj-simply-adored-cricket-with-a-passion-and-it-showed-8434725.html

Kim Jong-un calls for better ties with South Korea - The Guardian :: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jan/01/kim-jong-un-calls-better-ties-south-korea

Jordan Cobb: Torpoint ferry jump search called off - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-20880689

Britain should be offered 'second class' membership of the EU - Telegraph.co.uk :: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9772371/Britain-should-be-offered-second-class-membership-of-the-EU.html

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