lördag 9 mars 2013

10-Mar-2013 08:42

Falklands referendum: Islanders vote on British status - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21731760

Kenyatta declared winner of Kenya's presidential vote - Times of Oman :: http://www.timesofoman.com/News/Article-10559.aspx

Finn curbs his instincts to deliver one of the great nightwatchman innings in ... - Daily Mail :: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/cricket/article-2290982/Steven-Finn-puts-mature-display-nightwatchman.html

Venezuela election race starts, opposition at disadvantage - Reuters UK :: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/03/10/uk-venezuela-chavez-idUKBRE92405620130310

Nick was facing a bloodbath - now he is claiming victory - Daily Mail :: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2290956/Nick-facing-bloodbath--claiming-victory.html?ito%3Dfeeds-newsxml

The 'British Merkel' with eyes on Cameron's job: Could Theresa May really lead ... - Daily Mail :: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2290915/The-British-Merkel-eye-Camerons-job-Could-Theresa-May-really-lead-Tory-Party.html

Theresa May: Tories to consider leaving European Convention on Human Rights - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21726612

Abu Qatada arrested for breaching bail terms - Financial Times :: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c48e6e18-88cd-11e2-bcbd-00144feabdc0.html

Egyptian court confirms death sentences for Port Said football rioters - The Guardian :: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/09/egyptian-death-football-rioters

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